Smart Board Activities (Interactive Whiteboard Activities)

You must have Smart Notebook software installed on your computer to open Smart Board activities. If you have Smart Notebook software and are using Internet Explorer, you may get a message telling you the activity cannot be opened. In this event, save the activity to your hard drive. Your browser will save it as a zip file. Simply change the "zip" in the file name to "notebook," and you should be able to open it.
Coats and Genes: Genetic Traits in Cattle (Grades 6-8)
Coats and Genes: Genetic Traits in Cattle (Grades 9-12)
Coats and Genes: Genetic Traits in Cattle (Grades 9-12)
A Field of Beans
- Smart Board: Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Peas
- Smart Board: Bean Around the World
- Smart Board: Counting Beans
- Smart Board: Figurative Language and Vocabulary
- Smart Board: Mapping Beans Around the World
- Smart Board: Mapping Oklahoma Beans
- Smart Board: New Vocabulary and Review
- Smart Board: Reading Comprehension
- Smart Board: Vocabulary, Mapping and Math Rules (Grades 4-5)
- Smart Board: Farmer, Farmer, Where Am I Grown?
- Smart Board: Peas in a Pod
The Nightshades: Potatoes, Tomatoes and Peppers
- Smart Board: Arrays
- Smart Board: Hot, Hot, Hot! Using Context and Discussion to Understand Vocabulary
- Smart Board: Hot Stuff - Using Information From a Chart
- Smart Board: Making Ketchup
- Smart Board: Making Plurals
- Smart Board: Potatoes and Perimeter
- Smart Board: Tomato Splat!
- Smart Board: Nightshade Jeopardy
- Smart Board: Equations, Vocabulary, True/False (Grades 1-2)
- Smart Board: Equations, Vocabulary, True/False (Grade 3)
Oklahoma's Berry Best
- Smart Board: Compare and Contrast Activity
- Smart Board: Find the Fruit (PreK-K)
- Smart Board: Berry Poetry
- Smart Board: Berry Pies for You and Me
- Smart Board: Berry Fact or Fiction
- Smart Board: Berry Good Patterns
- Smart Board: Berry Vocabulary
- Smart Board: Equations, Vocabulary, Geography and Graphing (Grades 1-2)
- Smart Board: Equations, Mapping, Vocabulary, Graphing (Grades 3-4)
- Smart Board: Berry Multiple Choice
- Smart Board: Vocabulary and Fact or Opinion
Oklahoma's Roots and Leafy Greens
- Smart Board: Where Do They Grow?
- Smart Board: Spinach, Beets and Goosefoot, Oh My!
- Smart Board: Key Words
- Smart Board: Mapping Plant Origins
- Smart Board: Nutrient Function
- Smart Board: Nutrition and Math Facts
- Smart Board: Popeye Was Right
- Smart Board: Reading Comprehension
- Smart Board: Reading Comprehension
- Smart Board: Rhyming
- Smart Board: Timeline Activity
- Smart Board: Vocabulary