Oklahoma Ag Tag
Application Form - Oklahoma Tax Commission

The Oklahoma Ag Tag is a specialty license plate for your vehicle. The colorful new plate promotes "Oklahoma Agriculture" and features an Oklahoma farm scene. Purchasing an Ag Tag is a way to contribute to Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom, which provides training and educational materials about Oklahoma agriculture to teachers and teaches Oklahoma students about the importance of agriculture in our daily lives. We tried to think of a few questions you might have and answered them for you in advance.
What is the purpose of the Oklahoma Ag Tag?
The Oklahoma Ag Tag is a specialty license plate that will promote agriculture awareness "on the road" and provide a way to contribute to Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom.
What is Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom?
Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom is a joint project of the Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service and the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Focusing on Oklahoma students in grades Prekindergarten through 12, the purpose of Ag in the Classroom is building agriculture literacy. Curriculum developed to that end uses agriculture-related activities and research-based background material to teach core curriculum in language arts, math, science, reading, information skills, social studies, and the visual arts.
How much does the Ag Tag cost?
The plate costs just $38.00 for a new tag and $36.50 for a renewal. $20 of the price of the tag goes directly to the Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom program.
How do I get one?
To get an Ag Tag, print off the paperwork here. You can then submit your application to your local tag office or to the Oklahoma Tax Commission at this address:
Oklahoma Tax Commission
Motor Vehicle Division
Special Plate Section
2501 North Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73194-0013
Motor Vehicle Division
Special Plate Section
2501 North Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73194-0013
Will the Ag Tag replace my existing tag?
Yes, a special license plate is to be displayed on the rear of the vehicle for which it is issued. The regular license plate should be kept inside the vehicle and produced upon request by law enforcement.
For how long is the Ag Tag valid?
If you choose to use the Ag Tag as your official license plate, then your Ag Tag is renewable at a cost of $36.50. Twenty dollars of the cost will continue to be earmarked for Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom. Allowing your tag to lapse means that your number could be re-assigned to someone else, and you would have to contact the Special Plates Section of the Oklahoma Tax Commission if you ever wanted to renew that tag for official use.
Why should I buy an Ag Tag?
They're really eye-catching and the very first Ag Tags in Oklahoma! And…the vast majority of Oklahomans are several generations removed from direct experience with farming. They live in urban and suburban areas. Ask school children where their food comes from and they will tell you "the grocery store," and clothes, "come from the mall." As more and more citizens become further removed from firsthand knowledge about agriculture, the need intensifies to connect them with agriculture in other ways. Through Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom, teachers are provided with many professional development opportunities, including:
- ag-related tours
- an annual state conference
- on-site training
- over 300 lessons aligned to Oklahoma Academic Standards based lessons
- smart board activities
- PowerPoint presentations
- Recipes
- Games
- Songs
- Month by month activities
- These are only a few of the Ag in the Classroom components that generate excitement among students and teachers by offering opportunities for hands-on learning experiences using real life materials, everyday situations and current issues. Your purchase of an Ag Tag will help insure that future generations will understand the importance of agriculture.
If you have other questions, please don't hesitate to contact one of our coordinators at the OK Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.