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Oklahoma Agriculture in the Classroom


Food & Fun Recipes

Bug Juice

Ingredients (10 servings)
  • 2 10-oz. pkgs.frozen strawberries,defrosted
  • 1 6-oz. can lemonade concentrated, thawed
  • 1 quart ginger ale
  • 2 cups raisins
  • 6 gummy worms
  • blender
  • punch bowl
  1. Mix the strawberries and lemonade concentrate in a blender until smooth and thick.
  2. Gradually add ginger ale.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a punch bowl.
  4. Stir in any remaining ginger ale and the raisins.
  5. Place the gummy worms on the rim of the bowl for a swampy effect.
Substitute Phoneme Change Activity

After students have prepared and tasted the bug juice, write the word "bug" on the board.  Ask students to take turns coming to the board to replace the letter you tell them, then read the new word aloud.  Examples: Change the b to an r = rug. Change the g to a b = rub. Add a g at the beginning = grub. Change the u to an a = grab. Take off the g and change the a to i = rib.