Food & Fun Recipes
Scary Pizza Faces
- sliced olives
- green peppers
- mushrooms
- pepperoni
- green onions
- sliced zucchini
- almonds
- slightly toasted whole wheat English muffins
- pizza sauce
- grated cheese
- Toast English muffins.
- Top with pizza sauce.
- Students arrange their choice of toppings on the English muffins and top them with grated cheese for "hair."
- Heat the English muffins to melt the cheese.
Math: Identify and Draw Congruent Shapes
- Place students in pairs.
- Student A will draw the shape of a sliced mushroom.
- Student B will draw a congruent shape (same size, same shape).
- Compare the shapes. are they congruent?
- Students reverse roles to draw a sliced green pepper.
Witches Brew with Bloody Hand
- 1 liter ginger ale or other clear soda
- 16 ounces orange juice
- cranberry juice
- punch bowl
- plastic glove (food preparation glove)
- rubber band or string
- Combine ginger ale and orange juice concentrate in the punch bowl.
- For the "bloody hand" pour cranberry juice into the plastic glove. Don't overfill the glove as the liquid will expand when it freezes.
- Seal tightly with a rubber band or string.
- Freeze until the juice is solid.
- Before serving, run hot water over the glove just long enough to unstick it from the frozen juice.
- Carefully peel or cut the glove off.
- Set the "bloody hand" in the punch bowl.