Agriculture in Art - Crops

* Includes activities and discussion questions
Andrew Wyeth
- Autumn Cornfield, 1950
Berthe Morisot
Claude Monet
Demetria Dale
- Shimasani (Grandmother), 2017 (with permission from the artist)
Earle Richardson
- Employment of Negroes in Agriculture, 1934 (Smithsonian)
From Tacuinum Sanitatis, a medieval handbook on wellness
- Peasants Threshing Siligo (a type of wheat), 15th Century
George Catlin
- Green Corn Dance, 1835-37
Georges Seurat
- The Mower, 1881
Jackson Pollock
- Cotton Pickers, 1935
John Steuart Curry
- Kansas Corn Field, 1933 (Wichita Art Museum)
Lodewyk Toeput
- Summer Harvest in an Extensive Landscape, 16th Century
Norma Howard
- Gathering Corn, 1998 (Gilcrease Museum)
Paul Gaugin
- Haymaking in Brittany, 1888
Pieter Brueghel the Elder
- Haymaking, 1565
Robert Wheeldon
Vincent Van Gogh *
- The Potato Eaters, 1885
- Sheaves of Wheat in a Field, 1885
- Sower With the Setting Sun, 1888
- Wheat Field With a Lark, 1887
- Multimedia Presentation PowerPoint
- Multimedia Presentation Keynote
- Carrots in Fine Art Works (World Carrot Museum)
- Google Arts & Culture - Explore museums from around the world
- Seed Catalogs from the Smithsonian Libraries
- USDA Pomological Watercolors
- War-Era Food Posters
- Elements and Principles of Design (Definitions, with discussion questions)