County Fairs and Care of Farm Animals
Most county fairs begin this month
Contact your county Extension office for county fair dates and for information about special activities available to your students.
Learn about fairs and conduct your own classroom fair with this lesson:
Healthy Farm Animals Mean Safe Food
The animal barn at the county fair is a good place to witness the excellent care given to animals grown for food. The basis of animal judging at the fair is to showcase animal health. Healthy animals produce healthy and high quality meat, milk, cheese and eggs. Professional livestock producers display their breeding stock at the fair alongside 4-H and FFA youth competing for prizes. The following guide explains the criteria used for judging healthy beef animals, swine and sheep.
Field Trip
Take a field trip to the animal barn at the county fair and have students use the criteria from the guide above to judge animals they see at the fair.
AITC Lessons on Animal Care
Visit your county fair or your local farmer's market, and write a blog describing what you saw.