Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month

June 17 is Eat Your Vegetables Day
Fruits and Veggies Game
- Divide players into two equal lines, one called "Fruit" and the other called "Veggies."
- Teams stand about five feet apart, facing each other on opposite sides of a center line.
- Behind each group of players and about 25 feet away, is a goal line.
- When the game leader calls out "Fruits!" that group turns and runs toward its own goal line, with the Veggies in pursuit.
- Any Fruit tagged before crossing the line joins the other side.
- The action continues with the leader giving each side a fairly even number of chances to chase their oponents.
June is a great month to visit one of Oklahoma's farmers markets. Oklahoma produce available in June from someĀ farmer's markets:
asparagus, beets, blueberries, broccoli, cabbbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, green beans, herbs, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, onions, peaches, potatoes, rhubarb, spinach, strawberrries, summer squash, sweet corn, tomatoes, turnips.