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Oklahoma Agriculture in the Classroom

Classroom Resources

Oklahoma AITC Board Games

Oklahoma Crop-opoly Jr Board Game

The Oklahoma Crop-opoly Jr board game is for ages 4 & up and is best suited for PreK-5th grade. It was funded entirely by a USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant. Students who play it will learn about 16 specialty crops grown in Oklahoma and their nutritional value.

Oklahoma Ag Career-opoly Board Game

The Oklahoma Ag Career-opoly board game is for ages 8 & up and is best suited for 3rd-12th grade. It was funded primarily by the 2020 CHS Foundation's Educating Next Generation Agricultural Leaders Grant. In addition, donations from Oklahoma Ag Credit, Farm Credit Associations of Oklahoma, CoBank, Oklahoma Rural Water Association, and Oklahoma's Electric Cooperatives contributed to the funding of the game. Students who play will learn about 28 careers, as well as the skills and education needed for each career.