
"What can we say to so marvellous an instinct as that which leads the bee to make cells, which have practically anticipated the discoveries of profound mathematics."
-Charles Darwin
Be a Bug Scout
Students count insects or specified weeds in a given area to experience how farmers decide whether or not to use pesticides.
Bee Dance
The student will construct bee puppets and use them to act out some bee behaviors.
Bee Smart. Bee Happy
Students learn basic information about bees and the importance of pollination in crop production. Includes a take home Parent Page with information about the Africanized honey bee (sometimes erroneously called "killer bees.")
Bug's Eye View
The student construct an insect holder and observe and classify insects.
Creepy Crawly Critters
Students will learn characteristics of insects by creating models from an assortment of materials.
Crickets on the Hearth
Students design and conduct investigations with crickets.
Fantastic Flower
Students learn the anatomy of a flower and play a game in which they act out the pollination process.
If Not for the Pollinators: Matching Flowers with Pollinators
Students match flowers to pollinators and construct models of flowers to demonstrate why different kinds of flowers need different kinds of pollinators
Just Lookin' for a Home
Students will learn a song about the boll weevil and use it to understand the impact agriculture has on a community and its economy.
Look! Up in the Sky! Agricultural Aviation
Students read about the agricultural aviation industry and its history and answer comprehension questions. Students read about the division of land by townships and sections and use legal land descriptions to identify parcels of land in a map of a land section. Students answer math word problems related to agricultural aviation. Students conduct experiments with paper airplanes and O-Wings.
A Lovely Captive
Students will construct a habitat which will allow them to observe the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a
Pollinator Habitats
Students research, interview experts and design pollinator habitats
Symbiosis in Agriculture
Students compare insect relationships according to their symbiosis class—parasitism, commensalism, mutualism.